Swap Meets in Brewster, New York

New York Swap Meets

Brewster Ice Arena Flea Market
63 Fields Lane
Brewster, NY 10509
Phone: 845-279-2229

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1674231719478837/

Swap Meet Hours:
Sunday : to
Monday : to
Tuesday : to
Wednesday : to
Thursday : to
Friday : to
Saturday : to

The Brewster Ice Arena is seeking vendors for an outdoor flea market, to be held on Saturday, August 22nd, from 10:00am - 6:00pm.

Sell your new or used items; antiques, collectibles, clothes, toys, furniture, etc.

Fee is $30 for a 20\'x20\' space (two parking spaces)

Vendor guidelines and application form can be downloaded at http://www.brewstericearena.com/uploads/8-22_Flea_Market_Form.pdf

Come for the flea market, stay for our Augtoberfest Brats & Beer Festival (https://www.facebook.com/events/386455451546231/), which will be running concurrently with the flea market, from 1:00pm - 6:00pm.